They say “pigs can’t fly”. Sky is not for them. This one pig dared to challenge their notions and prove them wrong. Life has thrown obstacles in my way almost every day in the form of socio-economic conditions, dysfunctional family, and chronic headaches and mental illness. Yet, I have grown up into a confident adult studying at one of the best institution in the country. ‘LSR’ didn’t happen to me overnight. It was a reward which I received after toiling hard every day and night. I lived my dream to study in ‘LSR’ throughout my senior years at school. Despite hailing from an underprivileged background, I was able to achieve milestones because of the support of VIDYA. It has played as an important pillar in my overall foundational growth and pushed me to strive for self-reliance, resilience and imbibe an insatiable hunger to learn and change the society. Alongside my academics, I juggle with various responsibilities like Global Volunteer intern at AIESEC, President of Vishalakshi Foundation, LSR and Sub- Editor of The College Magazine, LSR. I am also the Class Representative as well as the Department Representative at Placement Cell of my college. I also received scholarship from the College in my first year itself. My transformational journey was also featured on NDTV. There were hundred things wrong in life. Nevertheless, I persevered to grow. I have dreams to live. I have responsibilities to fulfil. I have goals to accomplish and I’m going to do this on my own. I believe that I CAN and I WILL.