We help communities by focusing on their most vulnerable members: women, children and youth.

We work in some of the poorest neighbourhoods of Delhi, Gurugram, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Goa, Lucknow, and Dadh Village, Himachal Pradesh every day we’re more convinced of their potential as the force for a new India.

The people you find in less privileged communities are dedicated, hardworking and hospitable beyond their means. However, these communities are also often affected by issues of substance abuse, petty crime, gender inequality, malnutrition and lack of sanitation. We find many of these problems can be solved by empowering mothers to to be economically independent and educating children and youth. VIDYA’s goal is to help individuals gain control of their own lives and become social leaders in their own communities.

Our initiative involves graduation programs for school dropouts, Spoken English training, computer skills, life skills training, health camps, counselling, and creating awareness about potential careers and facilitating them.

Some of our community programs are highly oriented towards encouraging women’s entrepreneurship.
A woman named Neelam, for instance, started out as a widower with no finances or opportunities for change. Using VIDYA’s resources and her own determination, she now has a business selling traditional Madhubhani art and has 35 employees! Another program involved a kitchen managed completely by women– this became so successful that we’re no longer needed there!

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