Our Vision

To be the fountainhead for empowering and transforming lives through education.

Our Mission

To optimize the potential of children, youth and women by providing holistic education through schools, collaborations and community programs.

Our Values

Excellence Every Day

We believe in going above and beyond what’s expected by taking ownership of the task and seeing it through till the end

People Matter
We believe in people and their power to create change

Act with integrity

We believe in doing the right thing under all circumstances

Think Forward

We strive to recognize and act on every opportunity for progress, self-improvement and inclusion. We need to use our power of anticipation to start creating a positive future which will transform lives.

Global citizenship

We believe we are citizens of the world, and everything we do is driven by a desire to see betterment for humanity

VIDYA India History

>> The VIDYA Story<<

Educate     Empower     Transform