Title: “Hard work pays off”
Manoj Gaikwad is someone who has overcome every hurdle coming his way. Manoj does not have a father and has lived with his mother all his life. His mother was a cook and worked day and night to make both ends meet. Despite her constant tries and tiring working, she couldn’t have afforded to provide Manoj with higher studies. Manoj came in contact with VIDYA through their Beyond School program when he was in class 7. He was studying in Tirandaj school in Marathi medium. And he completed his engineering from Babasaheb Naik College of Engineering, Yewatmal.
Joining VIDYA gave his life a direction. He knew the word “computer” but was obscure to its practical knowledge. VIDYA introduced a computer to him. VIDYA didn’t just make him study his syllabus but made him fully knowledgeable about everything including technology. His family couldn’t afford further studies, thus VIDYA provided him with a scholarship. After his 10th, he eventually moved to the Youth Forum, which helped him by providing him with monetary support to study engineering. VIDYA has helped him all throughout the 4 years he was studying.
He got his first job in FIDESTO PROJECTS PVT LTD in Pune through campus drive selection. The company is all about construction project management. He thanks VIDYA for its immense support and help in shaping his future and helping him form a base of his career. He thanks VIDYA for having faith in him and helping him achieve his dreams through scholarship program.