Title: “After becoming a doctor My dream will not end, A new dream will begin.”
“Whether You Think You Can or Think You Can’t, You’re Right”, a true believer of this quote, Faizan Naeem Qureshi is a B.H.M.S student in Anushree Homoeopathic Medical College, Jabalpur (M.P). He is currently doing his Internship at Medical College.
In November 2014, Faizan cleared the medical entrance test and secured admission in Anushree Homeopathic Medical College. In his 1st year of college, Faizan stood 3rd in Medical College and 10th in University.

Quote from Faizan :
“ In Oct 2011, I joined VIDYA, and got my way towards my Dream. My father is an Auto Rickshaw Driver. Coming from a low-income family we were unable to arrange the fees for my medical college. VIDYA gave me the financial strength to convert my dreams into reality, specially Mrs. Jayshree Murali Ma’am & Mrs. Manvi Singh Ma’am, they played a vital role in my journey towards my dream.
VIDYA truly proved that “It doesn’t matter what your background is or where you come from, if you have dreams and goals, that’s all that matters.”