A fighter and a proud survivor, I am Magica, an erstwhile student of Bal Vihar VIDYA. I have seen life at close quarters, from a very young age, as I lost my father, when I was a baby and I saw my mother struggling hard, to convince our elders, that she had this heartfelt desire to educate her children and give them a strong future. I have always staunchly supported my mother and have made it a point to be excellent in my academics and study with a zealous attitude, all through.

My years in Bal Vihar VIDYA, have been my formative years, not only in my academics, but those years shaped and nurtured my personality in a way, that now my strong optimism and never say die attitude, had taken a permanent shape, in every sphere or endeavor, I wish to pursue in my future. The values I got, from my teachers, are invaluable. When I started studying in Lal Bahadur Shastri School, Delhi, I realized, as to how different I was from my peers over there, as they weren’t very respectful towards their elders and they didn’t have my value system, of which I am very proud of.

I have scored an impressive 91.5% in my class 12 exams and presently I am studying in Aurobindo college, B.Com, for my graduation. My academic success, is due to my positive attitude and I feel that one should strive to be focused and work hard to achieve what they want to, without getting distracted, by what opinions others have of you. Self confidence, alone takes you a long way.

I would like to open a school for the students, who have financial issues, as a future plan, as I feel that many of my friends gave up on education, due to financial constraints.

If I had a super power, then I would like to eradicate the caste system and try to change the mindset of people towards the girl child’s education.

I strongly believe in the quote, ”If you are anxious, then you are living in the future, if you are depressed, then you are living in the past, if you are at peace, then you are living in the present.”