Beyond School Program

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What a child can do with good education is limited only by opportunity, attitude, and exposure! There are many successful initiatives in India that aim to increase school attendance in less privileged communities, but very few that enable children to discover where they can go from there. At VIDYA we work to fill this gap.

Our Beyond School Program augments the syllabus taught at government schools with classes on Computer skills, Life skills, and spoken English. We believe these are pragmatic skills that increase a child’s ability to communicate confidently, focus on tasks and take initiative in finding information– and it continues to help them once they have finished school.


The curriculum is devised using creative methods and innovative teaching aids are used for a better understanding of the subject. Structured evaluation and feedback received for the program have established a significant improvement in proficiency among the enrolled students in comparison to those students who did not enroll at the school examination level.

In this global economy, it is essential for the government school students to have command of English that helps build up their confidence. Through our Beyond School Program, we impart spoken English communication, reading, and writing skills. We work very closely with the School’s English teachers to incorporate their input in our lesson plans so that our work becomes more valuable for the children. Today, the children understand and converse in English, give speeches in English and win in competitions like Spell Bee.
Computer Skills​
The computer classes equip the students with computer skills as knowledge of computers is the need of the hour. The modules are taught through very practical, comprehensive, and interactive methods.
Life Skills & Activities​
The life skills program motivates and gives direction to the young minds to become responsible, productive, and self-reliant citizens of a resurgent India. We achieve this through a structured Life Skills Syllabus, via guest lectures and regular personal and career counseling sessions. Art & Craft, Sports and cultural activities are a part of our Life skills program.

The Beyond School Edge

Corona has profoundly changed everything, and this past year has been unlike anything ever seen before. The schools were closed abruptly in March 2020 due to the pandemic scare. So, to ensure that our students do not miss out on the learning process, VIDYA teachers quickly adapted to the online teaching platforms and guided the students with the same. Many parents who were unable to use apps like Google meet or WhatsApp, were provided step-by-step guidance by us. We also formed WhatsApp groups for the teachers to send practice worksheets and children to send in their homework for correction.

  • Confident students keen to apply their knowledge of the English language in day-to-day conversations.
  • A stronger grasp of the basics and the grammar strong enable our students to perform better in their examination.
  • Students with working knowledge of how to operate a computer.
  • Life skills that help transform personalities making our students stand out as confident kids with a positive attitude change.
  • Equip the students with the skills and capacities for further education and employability.