Scholarship Initiative


The VIDYA Mumbai Scholarship Program is an initiative in pursuit of our mission to educate and empower the economically weaker sections to initiate and implement the progressive social change. We intend to use donor contributions and/or a fixed portion of the funds generated at VIDYA to give financial support to carefully screened VIDYA students and alumni. These beneficiaries are those who have demonstrated motivation and potential in their intellectual and career pursuits.


With the help of donors and Management of VIDYA Mumbai, the VIDYA Scholarship transforms lives. Together we are increasing access to educational opportunities, and in so doing we are laying the groundwork for a more productive and prosperous citizenry. Few things are more inspiring than meeting a successful person in our everyday lives and learning that he or she was a VIDYA Mumbai scholarship recipient.

Clearly, there is more to be done. Many students pursuing post-secondary education drop out prior to completing a degree, citing financial pressures as the primary reason. Many students are not able to pursue what they dream of due to financial constraints and they opt for those options which need lesser financial support. The need is significant. VIDYA is trying to bridge this need through people like you.

Three major reasons for creating this scheme are as follows:

  • Whilst the primary education in the municipality is practically free, formal education beyond this level requires fees in the region of Rs 5000 per annum at the secondary level, going up to Rs 20000 – Rs50000 at the undergraduate level and sometimes even beyond those amounts.
  • The deserving students who are enrolling for coaching classes / Tuitions for professional courses entrance exams are discouraged due to high fees involved.
  • Some students who are inclined and capable of undertaking degrees in engineering/medical etc and those inclined to do vocational courses are discouraged to do so due to the high fees involved.

Therefore, in an attempt to curb drop-out rates at all levels for want of finances and reward the deserving students, and alumni, capable of higher education/vocational courses, this policy has been formulated.

Monitoring Mechanism:

To achieve multiple objectives of extending this facility to maximum individuals in thecommunity, ensuring that the deserving individuals are not left out and plough back into VIDYA programmes by the beneficiaries, a robust monitoring mechanism would be in place. The scholarship committee will monitor the following:

  • Attendance in school/college/other training institutes through active feedback directly from these institutions.
  • Academic performance monitoring and counselling as necessary.
  • Sufficient plough back into VIDYA programmes through volunteering in teaching, community activities, sports programmes, reading corner, youth forum, events etc.
  • If the individual is in receipt of any other aid through another organisation or individuals, the applicant would be considered lower down in the priority to receive this benefit.
  • The scholarship committee would periodically monitor the financial background of the beneficiary and recommend continuation or otherwise of this benefit should the situation improve.

Impact and testimonials

Over the years, VIDYA Mumbai has supported almost 1000+ beneficiaries through scholarship. Each year, VIDYA Mumbai supports 80 – 100 beneficiaries on average. Beneficiaries consist of children, youth and women. Almost 70% to 80% of recipients are female students. 

In the urban slum communities of Powai, there are many girls and women who are discouraged to travel out of their homes or to complete their studies due to financial constraint. With the Scholarship program in the communities, they have a ray of hope to finish their studies and accomplish something in their lives. 

Success Stories

Faizan Naeem Qureshi

Title: “After becoming a doctor My dream will not end, A new dream will begin.”
“Whether You Think You Can or Think You Can’t, You’re Right”, a true believer of this quote, Faizan Naeem Qureshi is a B.H.M.S student in Anushree Homoeopathic Medical College, Jabalpur (M.P). He is currently doing his Internship at Medical College.
In November 2014, Faizan cleared the medical entrance test and secured admission in Anushree Homeopathic Medical College. In his 1st year of college, Faizan stood 3rd in Medical College and 10th in University.

Quote from Faizan :
“ In Oct 2011, I joined VIDYA, and got my way towards my Dream. My father is an Auto Rickshaw Driver. Coming from a low-income family we were unable to arrange the fees for my medical college. VIDYA gave me the financial strength to convert my dreams into reality, specially Mrs. Jayshree Murali Ma’am & Mrs. Manvi Singh Ma’am, they played a vital role in my journey towards my dream.
VIDYA truly proved that “It doesn’t matter what your background is or where you come from, if you have dreams and goals, that’s all that matters.”

Manoj Gaikwad

Title: “Hard work pays off”
Manoj Gaikwad is someone who has overcome every hurdle coming his way. Manoj does not have a father and has lived with his mother all his life. His mother was a cook and worked day and night to make both ends meet. Despite her constant tries and tiring working, she couldn’t have afforded to provide Manoj with higher studies. Manoj came in contact with VIDYA through their Beyond School program when he was in class 7. He was studying in Tirandaj school in Marathi medium. And he completed his engineering from Babasaheb Naik College of Engineering, Yewatmal.
Joining VIDYA gave his life a direction. He knew the word “computer” but was obscure to its practical knowledge. VIDYA introduced a computer to him. VIDYA didn’t just make him study his syllabus but made him fully knowledgeable about everything including technology. His family couldn’t afford further studies, thus VIDYA provided him with a scholarship. After his 10th, he eventually moved to the Youth Forum, which helped him by providing him with monetary support to study engineering. VIDYA has helped him all throughout the 4 years he was studying.
He got his first job in FIDESTO PROJECTS PVT LTD in Pune through campus drive selection. The company is all about construction project management. He thanks VIDYA for its immense support and help in shaping his future and helping him form a base of his career. He thanks VIDYA for having faith in him and helping him achieve his dreams through scholarship program.

Priyanka Rajendra Jadhav

Title: “Achieving My Dreams
Priyanka has been in VIDYA for almost 10 years. Her dream was to do something in medical field. VIDYA Scholarship program become first step of the ladder towards achieving her dream. She joined Youth forum and actively participated in every activity. During Vacations, she volunteered at VIDYA for teaching students at CN and IN centre. She cleared PGDMLT with 60% and started working as a lab technician.
Now, she is working in Vagad medical centre as a phlebotomist. She thanks VIDYA from deepest part of the heart in achieving her dreams.